:: Modes of Fretting ::

I think it's too soon to say...
:: welcome to Modes of Fretting :: bloghome | contact | "let's see that Peter Schmidt painting again" ::
[::points of reference::]
:: Local music tastes best [>]
:: Why I'm in gradschool I [>]
:: Why I'm in gradschool II [>]
:: I like to lurk at thresholds... [>]
:: fullest props [>]
:: Repetition is a form of change [>]
:: Art [>]

:: Friday, August 24, 2001 ::

Friday Night

While waiting on the street for Aaron M this evening, I had another feeling. I was watching the people walking around Davis Square and I felt a strange sort of oneness with my surroundings: I live here. They live here. We live here. I tried to write it down but by the time I fumbled up with a bank receipt (having left my notebook on the bedroom floor) I started to think it sounded stupid.

It sounded stupid because it is.

Later I was driving Aaron M. home through Harvard Square, and as I was turning left onto Memorial Drive from JFK, about ten jackasses walked in front of my car. Specifically: they stood in front of the stopped line of cars, LOOKED at me turning (with my turn signal flashing like a- well, like a turn signal), and THEN, after seeing my car begin to move, they began crossing.

I had to inform them at high volume what idiots they were.
:: aaron t 11:34 PM [+] ::
Sometimes I am randomly struck with a nameless, sourceless optimism. I don't understand it nor do I trust it. Today it came to me while walking down the hall to the bathroom. I was humming "Handsome Devil" and suddenly I felt like Things Could Happen. It was only a minor tremor on the Mood Scale, squelched quickly by the "Out of Order" sign on the bathroom, and I have since settled back into a mildly pleasant Friday mood.

I am in fact not looking forward to the weekend. Apart from the possibility of good live music tonight, I have to spend tomorrow at a wedding. And you know how I feel about that.
:: aaron t 12:17 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, August 23, 2001 ::
Well, the blog is now sort of page 2 of "my web site". Such as it is. I guess this would be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Aaron. I live in Cambridge, MA, in the shadow of Veritas. I'm 27 and midway through a degree in Archives Management. My current goal in life is to finish my degree and flee this city of yuppies, blue laws, and inflated rents.

I guess that's all for now.
:: aaron t 5:35 PM [+] ::
We seem to be having a Workless Day... am amused that findyourspot.com thinks I should live in Danbury, CT. (Also on the list were Amherst, MA; Northampton, MA; Brattleboro, VT; and Cambridge, MA. The latter two I have done or am doing my time in; the former two I have already rejected).
:: aaron t 1:51 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 ::
Having got all this started, I feel I should have some kind of manifesto. But for now, go visit Cordelia's Dad. Or go here.
:: aaron t 11:00 PM [+] ::

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